The Department of Education is pleased to support the implementation of medical benefits for the early learning and child care workforce. The Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) Medical Benefits Program will be managed by Association of Early Childhood Educators NL (AECENL), in collaboration with Dougan Insurance Group.
This program is available to Early Childhood Educators (ECEs), ELCC employees, and Family Child Care Providers working in regulated child care services participating in the Operating Grant Program (OGP).
The new medical benefits program will support recruitment and retention of early learning professionals as the Provincial Government continues to increase the number of early learning and child care spaces throughout Newfoundland and Labrador. A high quality child care system requires a high quality workforce. Medical benefits will directly support the wellbeing of early childhood educators and other staff working in the ELCC sector.
AECENL is excited to be taking on the responsibility of assessing and processing the existing ECE Trainee Bursary, ECE Graduate Bursary and On Camps Field Placement Bursary as well as the introduction of the new ECE Recruitment and Retention on behalf of the Department of Education.
Where the ECE recruitment and Retention Grant is linked to certification levels and a commitment to service, and the education bursaries support professional growth, they contribute to the continued development of an education and career pathway where early childhood educators are encouraged to advance within their profession.
To access information, policies, eligibility requirements, applications and forms for each of the bursaries and grant, please visit the individual pages that are found on the side bar of this page.